How to Join the Movement – FREE!

Be the Difference - Join The WOW! Movement

Participation in The WOW! Movement™ begins with a commitment to learn and live what we call the “Ways of WOW!” (or, more specifically, the “Ways of Well-Being.”) Currently comprised of over 30 statements, these ‘ways of WOW!’ bring a “core” to the movement. They are statements that focus us, unite us, and provide a foundation for our learning and action as a community. The expectation is NOT that you’ll be living these perfectly or all at once. They simply provide us with a place to start, a way to challenge ourselves to be more and serve more in our personal and collective worlds.

The ‘Ways of WOW!’ provide insight and specific guidance on what it can mean to “BE the Difference – Be the WOW!” Our objective is to make these statements more than words on paper. Instead, we intend to bring these ideas into our conversations and daily actions in order to foster the creation of a healthier world for each of us individually and for all of us collectively. It all begins with a choice and the willingness to act boldly.

To get started in The WOW! Movement™, I have provided five of the over 30 statements below. If these five statements resonate with you and reflect ways you aspire to and are committed to living, then this movement is for YOU! To become a part of our community as a Founding Member, simply fill-in the short form below. (There is no cost, and you can discontinue your membership at any time.) Once you become a Founding Member, you’ll receive emails introducing you to each of the Ways of WOW! The series of emails will inspire you, challenge you, and guide you in making fundamental and life-enriching changes in both your personal and professional life.

In addition, as a Founding Member, you’ll receive invitations to our monthly community calls where you can connect with other members, learn new things, explore the “Ways of WOW!” in greater depth, and be supported in living a healthy and fulfilling life!

We would be honored to have YOU join us!

Five of the ‘Ways of WOW!’

  1. We commit to doing what we can, where we are, with what we have.
  2. We commit to telling the truth as we know it – even if it’s uncomfortable.
  3. We accept responsibility for our part in creating the problem, and commit to being the solution.
  4. We openly express gratitude and appreciation for others and their contributions.
  5. We ask daily, “How can I add value today?”

Join The WOW! Movement

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