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Three Breakfast Foods for a Healthy Start to Your Day

Do you love your breakfast?  Do you have a short list of “go-to” recipes?  Do you need a bit of inspiration to start eating breakfast again?

Getting some protein at each meal can help with blood sugar management, metabolism and weight loss.  This is because protein helps you feel fuller longer and uses up a bunch of calories to absorb and metabolize it.  So I’m going to show you how to get the protein, as well as some veggies and healthy fats for your soon-to-be favorite new “go-to” breakfasts.


Yes, eggs are the “quintessential” breakfast food.  And for good reason!

No, I’m not talking about processed egg whites in a carton.  I mean actual whole “eggs”.

Egg whites are mostly protein while the yolks are the real nutritional powerhouses.  Those yolks contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

Eggs have been shown to help you feel full, keep you feeling fuller longer, and help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin.

Not to mention how easy it is to boil a bunch of eggs and keep them in the fridge for a “grab and go” breakfast when you’re running short on time.

And…nope the cholesterol in eggs is not associated with an increased risk of arterial or heart diseases.

One thing to consider is to try to prevent cooking the yolks at too high of a temperature because that can cause some of the cholesterol to become oxidized.  It’s the oxidized cholesterol that’s heart unhealthy.


Nuts and seeds contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  Nuts and/or seeds would make a great contribution to breakfast.

You won’t be fooled by “candied” nuts, sweetened nut/seed butters, or chia “cereals” with added sugars – you know I’m talking about the real, whole, unsweetened food here.

Nuts and seeds are also the ultimate fast food if you’re running late in the mornings.  Grab a small handful of almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds as you’re running out the door; you can nosh on them while you’re commuting.

Not to mention how easy it is to add a spoonful of nut/seed butter into your morning breakfast smoothie.

Hint: If you like a creamy latte in the mornings try making one with nut or seed butter.  Just add your regular hot tea and a tablespoon or two of a creamy nut or seed butter into your blender & blend until frothy.


Yes, you already know you really should get protein at every meal including breakfast; but this also applies to veggies.  You know I would be remiss to not recommend veggies at every meal, right?

Veggies are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber, and water.  You can’t go wrong adding them into every single meal of the day so if you don’t already you should definitely try them for breakfast!

And no, you don’t need to have a salad or roasted veggies for breakfast if you don’t want to but you totally can!  You wouldn’t be breaking any “official” breakfast rules or anything like that.

Adding some protein to leftover veggies is a great combination for any meal.  Including breakfast.

I’ve included a delicious recipe below for you to try (and customize) for your next breakfast.

RECIPE (Eggs & Veggies): Veggie Omelet

Serves 1

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 or 2 eggs (how hungry are you?)
  • ¼ cup veggies (grated zucchini and/or sliced mushrooms and/or diced peppers)
  • dash salt, pepper and/or turmeric

Add coconut oil to a frying pan and melt on low-medium heat (cast-iron pans are preferred).

In the meantime grab a bowl and beat the egg(s) with your vegetables of choice and the spices.

Tilt pan to ensure the bottom is covered with the melted oil.  Pour egg mixture into pan and lightly fry the eggs without stirring.

When the bottom is lightly done flip over in one side and cook until white is no longer runny.

Serve & Enjoy!

Tip:  Substitute grated, sliced, or diced portion of your favourite vegetable.  Try grated carrots, chopped broccoli or diced tomato.


Men, Lost Your Sex Drive? This Could Be Why

Libido is such an interesting (and complex) experience.  Because of this it can be affected by so many things.  And we’re not just talking about the obvious sex hormone testosterone here.

Although testosterone levels can have a big (yes BIG) effect on sex drive there are a lot of subtle things that can be going on too.

In this post we’ll dive into a bunch of key diet and lifestyle factors that have been shown to increase testosterone and libido.


Did you know that low testosterone is linked with high body fat?

Particularly visceral fat which is associated with a large waist circumference.  You see, with more fat there is more of an enzyme called “aromatase” that converts testosterone to estrogen.  And what you want is to keep that testosterone not convert it.

Losing excessive weight and keeping it off has so many health benefits including increased libido!


Certain nutrient deficiencies can contribute to low testosterone.  Not only zinc and vitamin D but if you’re not eating enough protein and healthy fats that can also have a negative impact too.

Not to mention eating way too few or way too many calories.  These aren’t going to help you in the bedroom department either.

So make sure you’re eating enough food to sustain your resting metabolic rate (RMR) and that you’re getting enough protein and healthy fats; not to mention the essential vitamins and minerals too.


Did you know that men can experience increased blood levels of testosterone after a bout of intense exercise?

For some reason this doesn’t seem to be the case after endurance exercise and endurance exercise may actually reduce the levels of circulating testosterone.  Nor do women seem to have this increased testosterone after a workout.

For a temporary boost men can try some weight lifting or a HIIT workout.


Sleep is critical for just about everything our bodies do.

If you’re not getting 7-9 hours each night you’re going to want to prioritize that for your health (and sex drive).  Try it.  You just may thank me.


No one can deny that your moods can affect your sex drive, right?

Too much stress, sadness, and worry can take over your mind and push that drive to reproduce right to the back burner.  So you want to try to minimize that stress hormone cortisol.

How about some tips?  Make time to do things you love, workout, spend quality time with your family and friends, meditate, relax with a great book, or take a long bath.  And don’t forget to laugh.


Have you heard of the Peruvian herb called “maca” (Lepidium meyenii)?

It’s a plant in the cruciferous family (think: broccoli) and its root has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac.  It’s usually ground into a powder and dried.

Believe it or not there are a few studies that actually show an increased libido for those who supplement with it.  Scientists don’t know exactly how it works, but it seems to work for both men and women and it doesn’t seem to impact your hormones (not even testosterone).

Maca is an antioxidant and seems to be protective of mens’ prostate.  New research suggests it may also be helpful for our brains and bones.

It has a bit of a “dirt” flavor so most recipes don’t call for the same amounts as in the supplement.  But trust me, you’ll love the recipe below and if you’re considering supplementing you should know:

  • Maca (as do many supplements) interacts with some medications so be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking maca supplements.
  • Because it can affect your moods you should be very careful taking maca if you have anxiety or depression.
  • It’s not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

RECIPE (libido-enhancing): Maca Hot Chocolate

Serves 2

  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cacao powder
  • 1 teaspoon maca powder
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 4 dashes cinnamon
  • 1 dash sea salt
  • 1 dash cayenne pepper (optional)

Heat almond milk and coconut oil in a saucepan.

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until frothy.

Serve and enjoy a cup with your significant other!

Tip:  Adding cayenne pepper is a traditional South American way to add a bit of spice to chocolatey foods and drinks.

Menopausal Women: Do This Before You Take the Meds Your Doctor Prescribed

Menopausal Women: Do This Before You Take the Meds Your Doctor Prescribed

Of course, listen to what your doctor says.

And also listen to what your body says.

We both know that what you eat and how you move can make a HUGE improvement in some of the symptoms of menopause.  Not to mention how common it is for ladies to gain weight at this time of life. (Ugh!)

And as we both know eating better and moving more can help you stave off other issues like heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.

What do I specifically recommend to help you “eat better and move more”?

Seven things.  Here goes:


Drink more water.

The general consensus is to drink 8-10 glasses per day.  And, if you don’t feel you need that much you definitely need to at least drink enough throughout the day so that you’re not thirsty.

I know that’s easy to say but really it’s also easy to do.

Try having a full glass first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything.

Don’t like plain water?  Add in some berries or chopped frozen fruit.

Prefer tea?  Steep some sliced lemon and/or ginger or your favorite caffeine-free herbal teabag.  This counts toward hydration as well.

You can also keep a large bottle or mug beside you all day wherever you work so it’s always easy to grab and have sips throughout the day to make sure you’re not getting thirsty.


Things like (yes, you guessed it) vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds.  We’re going for quantity here.  Try to include them in every meal and even most (if not all) of your snacks.

Want another reason to eat more plants?

Plant-based diets are associated with fewer hot flashes.  Bonus!

Plus, my recipe below is your “no excuse” solution to getting more veggies wherever you go.


While you’re chomping your plant foods don’t forget to include some good quality protein (and healthy fats) from eggs, fish, meat, nuts and seeds (and their butters).

With animal foods we’re aiming for quality so try to get organic, wild, and/or pasture-raised if you can.


Reducing and/or eliminating alcohol, caffeine and processed foods can have a tremendous impact on balancing your hormones naturally without the help of pharmaceutical medications.

With those increases in hydration, whole plant foods, and quality protein, you simply won’t have as much room for alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods with added salt and sugar.

You already know that’s good news, right?

#5: MOVE

If you don’t do this already try to move up to 5 hours per week.  You can gradually increase that over time, and believe me, you will thank yourself!

To do this, include things like walking (especially outdoors in the sun, if possible), or even some weight-training.

You’ve heard the saying that the best exercise is the one you’ll actually do?

Well, go ahead and do it. 🙂


I’m talking 7-9 hours per night.  Seriously!

Sometimes menopause can bring on (or ramp up) sleep problems.

The most important thing to do is set a daily routine where you’re relaxing with no screen-time (computers, tablet, phone, tv) a couple hours before your bedtime.  Electronic devices emit strong blue light which can prevent the release of melatonin, your sleep hormone.  Try reading a book or having a bath.  It’s also important to have dim lights in your surroundings to reduce your exposure to blue light before bed.  Regular indoor lighting is usually blue light.  Ideally you would use amber or red lights, or even be ultra-stylin’ with blue-blocker sunglasses.


Do whatever works for you.  Just make sure you do it regularly as a preventative measure to avoid accumulated stress.

Have you tried meditating, deep breathing, or having a warm bath?  What about the newest craze of coloring?

Bonus points for using exercise as a form of stress relief.


You now have an arsenal of great ideas to stave off those menopause symptoms naturally.

Now go ahead and make two of these mason jar salads to eliminate any excuse of not being able to get fresh veggies when you’re out and about.

RECIPE (VEGGIE): Mason Jar Salad

Serves 2

  • 3 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • ½ granny smith apple (diced)
  • 4 radishes (sliced)
  • 2 celery stalks (diced)
  • 4 tablespoons of your favorite nuts or seeds (walnuts, slivered almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc.)
  • 4-6 cups of your favorite greens (spinach, kale, mixed greens, etc.)

Add first four ingredients to a small bowl & whisk until smooth.

Add apple to dressing (so it’s covered and won’t brown) and divide between two mason jars.

Layer the radishes, celery, nuts/seeds, and greens on top and seal.

When ready to eat shake up the jar, open and enjoy or pour it into a large bowl to mix more thoroughly.

Tip:  Wide-mouth jars work best for this ah-mazing way to bring veggies with you wherever you go!